After leaking the noise cancellation, chat background and various other features of Google Message, I am sharing about a new feature today which is coming to Google Messages. Recently Google Keep gained the ability for text formatting allowing you to underline, bold and do some other things with you notes. Now Google Message is following the same path but in a different way.

You may have heard of markdown text formatting. According to, "Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents". You can use things like * (star), _ (underscore) to bold and italicize text. There are various other things you can do

In short, Google Messages is adding the ability to parse markdown text. Messages written using markdown syntax will be parsed as formatted text such as bold, strikethrough, italic etc. For e.g. if you send **Bold Text** as message to someone, the other user using Google message will see it as Bold Text. You will also see it the same way. Here is a screenshot of markdown formatting which I tried and it works as expected. First screenshot contain an image which I added using markdown syntax and the second screenshot provides usage example of some other syntaxes -

Not all markdown syntax are going to work but the basic ones works and that what people need. Lists, tables, quotes syntax didn't work in my testing but I think we really don't need them. This works for both SMS and RCS chats. So anyone with Google Messages app can take advantage of this feature.

I enabled this feature in Google Messages beta version 20231113 using flags and Google is going to roll it out soon to the stable users. This is not an experiment. 

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